The Watching World

Heading to FSU on my lunch break today I got stopped by a guy downtown who said he always sees me on my scooter zipping to and fro and carrying a big grey backpack full of gear (step stool, signs, bibles, chalk etc.).

He thought maybe I was a courier delivering documents all the time. I explained to him that in a way I am a delivery guy. We talked for almost an hour before I had to get back to work.

He brought up all kinds of topics including his own experience with drugs, abortion and fighting. He respected what I go do on my breaks and said he sort of is a Christian/Catholic. He said that he has a major surgery on his knee on Wednesday to replace it after a major accident last year. Pray for him to continue seeking God and His grace and mercy. (And for a successful surgery)

People are always watching what you do, Christian. For better or worse. Love your neighbors and share the Gospel unashamedly.