Yesterday was very fruitful in terms of conversations that I thought you should know about!
Islam: Last week a young Muslim man named Amir made some rude and inaccurate comments about Christ and our faith (which isn’t uncommon). I offered him a meal and a Bible if he ever wanted to talk.
This week he continued and I returned comments to repent (in an defensive spirit and tone). Yesterday I stopped him to talk and apologized and asked if we could start again. This started a great conversation about what Jesus actually said and was able to give him the Gospel clearly. Pray for Amir!
Judaism: Nina and Gabbie came up as I was talking to Amir. They waited patiently for the conversation to end. They wanted to dialogue about abortion. Nina said she was Jewish and also Pro Choice. We had a great civil conversation and I was constantly pointing her back to God’s word as the ultimate authority for our decisions to protect innocent life that starts from conception. Science on top of that affirms unique DNA and life begins at conception.
We talked right up to when I had to go. Nina also, surprisingly, asked if she could have a Bible! Pray for these two as well. They sincerely thanked me for talking with them. They need the salvation and renewal of their minds given by Christ.
A great day indeed!