Last week I had young women spitting on my chalk messaging “Roe is No Mo” while I was there as well as them smearing with their shoes, pouring out their coffees and waters, really anything to try and erase my messaging.
I tried talking with two different sets of young women – one trio just cussed and poured and mocked. The other was a group of professing Christians (minus one) who all were saying it’s a woman’s choice and they should be allowed to murder their baby if they want. Christians.
I have found a sacred cow on campus that is a lightning rod for gospel conversations right now. Pray for these college students to come to faith in Jesus Christ and reject the spirit of the age. It was a wild week.
Bibles are being given out a lot right now too. Mostly Christians who have come to Tallahassee and forgotten to bring theirs from home! It’s a great blessing to be able to equip them with one while here.