Spitting Cussing Pouring

Last week I had young women spitting on my chalk messaging “Roe is No Mo” while I was there as well as them smearing with their shoes, pouring out their coffees and waters, really anything to try and erase my messaging.

I tried talking with two different sets of young women – one trio just cussed and poured and mocked. The other was a group of professing Christians (minus one) who all were saying it’s a woman’s choice and they should be allowed to murder their baby if they want. Christians.

I have found a sacred cow on campus that is a lightning rod for gospel conversations right now. Pray for these college students to come to faith in Jesus Christ and reject the spirit of the age. It was a wild week.

Bibles are being given out a lot right now too. Mostly Christians who have come to Tallahassee and forgotten to bring theirs from home! It’s a great blessing to be able to equip them with one while here.

Roe is No Mo!

What a blessing to hear over the weekend that Roe vs. Wade was unconstitutional after 49 years. Joyful that it was rightly overturned but saddened it took this long. Now the battle is brought back down to the State level for the first time in my life. Keep fighting for the innocent lives of babies in the womb y’all. Christians are marked by protecting innocent life. Unjustified murder is a sin and a crime no matter how big or small a man or woman is.

I used this headline “Roe is No Mo” today to strike up some historical convos in addition to my “Free Bibles” chalking. Mostly scoffs and jeers (all from girls)but two non-Christians took a Bible! Praise God.

The Grave

As I look on the hundreds of headstones at the cemetery honoring my dad who died 15 years ago today, I remember one hope and one hope only: resurrection unto life and not death. All in the grave wait for the resurrection to be given either eternal life and adoption as sons and daughters of the King of life or justified death and wrath for their sins. Choose life today, please!

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, [26] and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:12

Bibles And Hospitality Go Hand In Hand

I’ve recently started following up my normal “do you need a Bible?” with (if they say no) “Oh ok is it because you’re a Christian?” If they say anything else besides “yes”, I’ve been offering to treat them to a meal or a drink (coffee or a beer if 21+, of course) if they would be willing yo have an honest conversation about God. No takers yet, but they seem to really appreciate the offer and I’ve just begun asking.

Pray the lost will begin saying yes, good conversations will be had, and souls will be saved through Gospel conversations!

On a side note – Mehdi the Catholic came again and I was able to give him a full Bible this time instead of the Gospel of John from last month. He was grateful.

Another freshman student named Josica came after exchanging emails after she heard from a friend that I was giving away free bibles. She even brought two other friends who needed one!

Also I met Mark who is a Christian and teaches in his church. He is being called into eldership by his church. Pray for him to hear the same call and to glorify God in that path. ,

And lastly, a couple days ago I saw Nikki the Catholic and she said her mom is handling treatment well and has good spirits. Please continue praying for her and her mom!

The Watching World

Heading to FSU on my lunch break today I got stopped by a guy downtown who said he always sees me on my scooter zipping to and fro and carrying a big grey backpack full of gear (step stool, signs, bibles, chalk etc.).

He thought maybe I was a courier delivering documents all the time. I explained to him that in a way I am a delivery guy. We talked for almost an hour before I had to get back to work.

He brought up all kinds of topics including his own experience with drugs, abortion and fighting. He respected what I go do on my breaks and said he sort of is a Christian/Catholic. He said that he has a major surgery on his knee on Wednesday to replace it after a major accident last year. Pray for him to continue seeking God and His grace and mercy. (And for a successful surgery)

People are always watching what you do, Christian. For better or worse. Love your neighbors and share the Gospel unashamedly.

Tears of Joy

I tried a new location today and it produced wonderful results. Rachel, a Christian, said she didn’t have a Bible here in Tallahassee. She was so enthusiastic to receive one that I brought for this very purpose! She was craving community and Bible study and had lots of questions and made many connections about Old Testament shadows/signs and symbols.

We are meant to live in community and not in isolation. I think she received that counsel heartily. Tears were streaming down her cheek hearing the Gospel today. What a sweet conversation. Pray she gets plugged into a Bible-believing church and grows in her faith and realization of being an adopted daughter of the King of the Universe. 😇


I used a line today that I hear a lot from Frank Turek a lot and got surprisingly honest, but sad answers. “If you discovered that Christianity was true, would you be a Christian?” A majority of answers from non-Christians // “NO.”

A few said, “I’d have to think about that.” And only one person said, “Yes.”

What about you?…

Headphones Off, Look Up

Today I experimented by writing with chalk “Turn Off Headphones” and “Look Up” and a follow up of “Free Zone” or “Talk to Jay”!

A significant number of students looked up and engaged when I talked with them. 😁

235 Years

I asked those who walked by today if they knew where they would be in 235 years from now. I’m hoping to spark in their minds the fact that one day they will die unless Christ comes back before then. Pray for these individuals who may never have, but now might wrestle with the heavier facts of our fleeting lives as sons of Adam. Point people to eternal life!

David on the List

Today I wrote in chalk on the floor a list of people who could receive a free bible:

  • Atheists
  • Agnostics
  • New Christians
  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • Everyone!

A decent amount of people stopped to look at the list or at least read it while the walked past. One young man named David who said he is a Christian came up after reading the list and said he didn’t have a Bible. He lives in a home with a Catholic mother and a Christian father. He even had a large tattoo on his arm with scripture on it. I was happy to give him one! Please pray for David. He seems to be interested for the first time in God’s Word.

David showing me his scripture tattoo