John and His Dad

Today I met a young professing Christian named John. He made a b-line straight for my corner at FSU and came with a bunch of great questions. John said his dad sends him and his immediate family daily scripture, worship and prayer guides. Each Sunday his dad does a Zoom call Bible study with their whole extended family – whoever will join in.

John was told when he was younger to read the Bible and when he got in trouble he would have to read a chapter and then write a report about it.

He never really understood the Bible he was told to read because of the KJV old archaic words and also not being born again.

John now has a baby boy on the way and is beginning to see the wisdom in his Dad’s devotion to God’s Word. He said they used to live in the projects and all his friends would pick on him for having a devout Christian dad pushing so much Christianity on him but he now gets it.

I was able to give John a full ESV Bible because someone at my church gave me a box full of them to give out. Thank you Mason!! Pray for John. I can’t wait to meet his dad in heaven one day! His dad was truly faithful in trying to disciple his family.


I just met Gavin who is a firefighter of two years. He has lived in Tallahassee for 20 years but recently moved to Panama City. He said he is a Catholic but not a Roman Catholic. He was grateful that I was out here on campus handing out Bibles and preaching the gospel.

Pray for Sarah the Muslim! I saw her again this time sitting under a tree reading and so I walked up and had a short sweet conversation. She says she used to believe in God but not so much anymore. I gave her one of the “What is the Gospel” books with one of the red “Who is Jesus” tracts inside it and told her I’ve been praying for her and to see her again to give her one of these books. She was very receptive. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 She asked “what is gospel?” I got to quickly tell her it means ‘good news’ and in particular when Christians say gospel we are talking about Jesus Christ and his salvation.


I met a Christian Chinese woman named in Jing-Jing who did not have a full Bible in English and I gave her a gospel of John and a “What is the Gospel” book.

I have been doing chalk on the floor saying “Free Bibles” and other Christian phrases. Someone yesterday smeared them all and so I re-applied chalk again today. Someone is reading them which is great.


Today I met Meddie. Pray for this Catholic man from Haiti. He took a Bible because he said he didn’t have one. I mentioned that we have good friends from Haiti in our church. I also mentioned that I would be happy to get him a full Bible if he messaged me on social media or through the website. He gladly took a Gospel of John that I had on hand.

Pray for Nikki’s mom

Nikki the Catholic came up to me at FSU where I set up free bibles to give away. The summer has been slow and so I’ve taken a break from preaching but still want to be a light to the lost in my outpost.

She asked to start off on a new foot from our previous hostile interaction. She (and I) were both fairly defensive in talking about the Gospel and salvation by faith alone from our respective understandings.

She opened up to me and asked how she could pray for me. I asked her as well and she said her mom may be on the precipice of dealing with cancer. This is so sad. Pray for Nikki’s salvation and also for her mom to be healed.