I just met Gavin who is a firefighter of two years. He has lived in Tallahassee for 20 years but recently moved to Panama City. He said he is a Catholic but not a Roman Catholic. He was grateful that I was out here on campus handing out Bibles and preaching the gospel.
Pray for Sarah the Muslim! I saw her again this time sitting under a tree reading and so I walked up and had a short sweet conversation. She says she used to believe in God but not so much anymore. I gave her one of the “What is the Gospel” books with one of the red “Who is Jesus” tracts inside it and told her I’ve been praying for her and to see her again to give her one of these books. She was very receptive. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 She asked “what is gospel?” I got to quickly tell her it means ‘good news’ and in particular when Christians say gospel we are talking about Jesus Christ and his salvation.