Our first parents sinned, and the perfect harmony that existed in creation and in the relationship between God and man was fractured. As a result, every person inherited Adam’s sin, and every person by their nature and their choices stands guilty before a holy and perfect God.
God would have been perfectly just to condemn each one of us to eternal separation from him in hell. But in his mercy, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to come to earth, to live the life that we could not live and die the death that we should have died in our place so that we might be reconciled to Him. Three days after he died, Jesus rose from the grave, conquering our enemies of Satan, sin and death. After some days, he ascended into heaven, where he now rules at the right hand of God the Father. And one day he will return to inaugurate the fullness of his kingdom here on earth. Every person who repents of their sin and trusts in Jesus Christ alone for salvation is rescued from the condemnation of God, adopted into his family, and will have eternal life with him.
This is the Gospel. This is our hope: that we who were enemies of God have reconciled to Him through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Taken from Fouroakseast.com.